Improve Neuro-Psychiatric Trial Outcomes: Objective Measures for Neuro-Psychiatric Diseases

The current lack of objective biomarkers presents a real challenge for researchers developing treatments for psychiatric and neurological diseases. But now, a partnership that combines Calyx’s clinical trial imaging expertise and Ceretype’s novel functional MRI (fMRI) platform enables trial sponsors to overcome this challenge and see the physical action of a drug on patients with psychiatric and other neurological disorders.

An in-market, audit-cleared “biomarker engine,” the Ceretype platform utilizes cutting-edge fMRI and artificial intelligence (AI) to connect neural circuitry to patient behaviors and treatment outcomes, delivering the objective biologic endpoints researchers need for more precise measurement of treatment effects during central nervous system (CNS) drug development.

During this webinar, Calyx and Ceretype’s scientists will:
  • Review traditional fMRI challenges and how Ceretype’s groundbreaking platform addresses them.
  • Discuss the implications that this novel, scalable solution could have on clinical development, and what Ceretype is doing to ensure real-world access to its technology.
  • Explore case studies of how Ceretype’s platform is changing the way that drug developers think about fMRI, and how it can enhance their development programs.
November 2, 2023
10AM-11AM ET


Rohit Sood image

Rohit Sood

Vice President, Scientific & Medical Services

Rohit Sood MD., PhD. is the Vice President of Scientific and Medical Services at Calyx. In his present role as the Emerging Therapeutics Lead, which covers Cardio-Thoracic, CNS, GI, Rare diseases and Advanced Technologies, Dr. Sood has contributed as a consultant/scientific lead on sponsored 160+ imaging clinical trials spanning the entire spectrum, from early to late phase, across multiple therapeutic areas. He was responsible for supporting 20+ drug approval clinical studies that involved imaging as a key trial endpoint. Over the past decade, he has been instrumental in developing partnerships with academic and non-academic labs to leverage Machine and Deep Learning methodologies for application in pharmaceutical drug studies that involve imaging based endpoints. More specifically, using ML/DL methods to analyze images and develop quantitative biomarkers for use as endpoints in clinical trials. The usefulness of some of these biomarkers was evaluated in clinical trials and results were published in peer reviewed scientific journals.

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