Clinical trials involving stem cell therapies present added complexity: the treatment requires cell preservation as it is collected from a patient or donor, shipped to a manufacturing site, modified, and then shipped to the treatment facility for patient administration. Learn how Calyx delivered an effective IRT solution that met the challenge and successfully enabled cell preservation during a stem cell therapy trial.

Many situations can arise during clinical trials that can’t be foreseen during study start-up. You need an effective trial supply management system to ensure trial continuity, regardless of the changes your trial might face.

This case study reviews two examples of sponsors needing to relocate a depot across several trials, and how Calyx’s IRT system effectively enabled changes to the supply chain in each scenario to ensure patients and sites were not impacted.

The criticality of the COVID-19 pandemic saw the emergence of fast-paced study start-ups, with the goal to get treatments approved as quickly as possible.

Learn how Calyx’s IRT teams rose to the emergency and built multiple IRT systems in less than two weeks to support a trial for a novel, potential COVID-19 treatment.

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