Overcoming RTSM Challenges in Oncology Trials

Sponsors of oncology trials face unique randomization and trial supply management (RTSM) challenges, including:

  • Central vs. local sourcing of standard-of-care treatments
  • Unknowns regarding patient treatment duration
  • Impact of rescue medication on study drug expiration
  • High drug cost/need to reduce excessive drug wastage

The solution design and technical experts behind Calyx IRT have published a variety of resources to explore each of these challenges and to demonstrate how a flexible IRT system can reduce errors, ensure patient safety, and meet changing RTSM during lengthy oncology trials.
Access them below!



Effective RTSM in Oncology Trials: Managing Sourcing Changes with Advanced IRT

Oncology studies present specific challenges. These include unknowns related to the number of visits each patient will have, differing patient visit schedules, and the impact of rescue medication on study drug expiration dates.

An additional complexity relates to the sourcing of standard-of-care (SoC) treatments and how sponsors account for their supply at global investigative sites.

In this webinar, Calyx’s Peter Tarbox shares the RTSM factors oncology trial sponsors should consider in their IRT design, focusing on how advanced IRT systems can accommodate changes in centrally and locally sourced medication for optimal clinical trial supply management.

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